Museveni warns Rumor Mongers

Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni has warned of dire consequences to anyone who spreads rumours that the late speaker of Parliament Jacob Oulanya was killed by the state. He dismissed the claims as cheap politics by politicians. Museveni said this on Friday during the election of the new Speaker of Parliament Anita Among at Kololo ceremonialContinue reading “Museveni warns Rumor Mongers”

Museveni’s Son Retires from the Army

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni’s son, who is the commander of the armed forces, has announced his retirement from the army after nearly three decades of service. Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba posted the news on Twitter: “After 28 years of service in my glorious military, the greatest military in the world, I am happy to announceContinue reading “Museveni’s Son Retires from the Army”

African Conflicts

By John MoonoTrained Diplomat Africa has long been beseeched by conflicts and labelled as a continent with the most number of conflicts. However one thing of note about these conflicts is that they are traced to the period of Colonial Rule. This is due to the fact that Colonial Rule never raised the issued ofContinue reading “African Conflicts”

Uganda Withdraws International Coffee Organization

Uganda, Africa’s largest coffee exporter, has blamed its withdrawal from the International Coffee Organisation (ICO) agreement on what it said are unfair tariffs and other barriers that restrict export of processed coffee to Europe and elsewhere. “The importing countries impose escalating tariffs and restrictions on imports of value-added coffee,” the the state-run Uganda Coffee DevelopmentContinue reading “Uganda Withdraws International Coffee Organization”

Uganda order to Pay $325 Million to DRC

The International Court of Justice has ordered Uganda to pay the Democratic Republic of Congo $325 million in reparations for its role in conflicts in Congo’s resource-rich Ituri region. Presiding judge Joan Donoghue said Uganda must pay the sum in five yearly installments of 65 million dollars, beginning in September this year. The long-running disputeContinue reading “Uganda order to Pay $325 Million to DRC”

Rwanda-Uganda Border to Re-Open

Rwanda has agreed to reopen its border with Uganda, ending an almost three-year standoff that took an economic toll on both countries and raised fears of armed hostilities. The announcement came following a period of quiet diplomacy during which Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni dispatched envoys to negotiate with his Rwandan counterpart, President Paul Kagame. KigaliContinue reading “Rwanda-Uganda Border to Re-Open”

Museveni Cracks the Whip

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has sacked the country’s powerful military intelligence chief Major General Abel Kandiho. This comes just weeks after the United States sanctioned Kandiho over human rights violations. Kandiho has been Uganda’s spy chief since 2017. During his tenure, he has been accused of atrocities such as beatings, sexual assault, and electrocution ofContinue reading “Museveni Cracks the Whip”

Museveni on Coup D’etats in the West of Africa

“The problem happening in Africa today started in Libya. I’d like to invite African leaders to sit down & exchange views on how to build strength in Africa. What’s happening now is going to take us back because civilian leaders fail to build strong armies,” longest serving in East Africa , President of Uganda GeneralContinue reading “Museveni on Coup D’etats in the West of Africa”


By Professor Makombo Jago Minyang Abaala A dictatorship is not bad as long as it is led by a PATRIOT who loves his Country and people. To “dictate” simply means to “To by pass Bureaucracy”. It has nothing to do with Anarchy of despotism. All modern Civilizations developed under a form of Dictatorship and evenContinue reading “DICTATORSHIP OF LOVE IS NOT BAD”

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