Only 9 African countries print their currency domestically.

In a continent of about 54 countries, 9 have the capacity to print their own currencies or mint their own coins. Nigeria, Morocco, Kenya, Algeria, South Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Sudan, and Zimbabwe are the only countries that have set up private companies and state-owned enterprises printing banknotes. Out of the remainingContinue reading “Only 9 African countries print their currency domestically.”

Single Currency coming to East Africa

East African countries will start using a single currency by 2024. Forms East African Central Bank EAST African Community (EAC) states are aspiring for a single EAC currency by 2024. Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda are determined to merge their respective shillings with Rwanda and Burundian Francs to form the single legal tender for the blocContinue reading “Single Currency coming to East Africa”

Ethiopia’s GERD commissioned

Ethiopia has started generating electricity via its mega dam on the Blue Nile. On Sunday, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed officiated an event which saw one of the 13 turbines of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) begin power generation. GERD, the largest hydroelectric scheme in Africa, has been at the center of a dispute betweenContinue reading “Ethiopia’s GERD commissioned”

African Conflicts

By John MoonoTrained Diplomat Africa has long been beseeched by conflicts and labelled as a continent with the most number of conflicts. However one thing of note about these conflicts is that they are traced to the period of Colonial Rule. This is due to the fact that Colonial Rule never raised the issued ofContinue reading “African Conflicts”

Sudanese Unrest

Sudan’s protest groups have called for street demonstrations in Khartoum. They are demanding the establishment of a fully civilian government to lead the transition to democratic rule. It comes as detentions of pro-democracy leaders intensify, plunging the country into further turmoil. Meanwhile, African Union Chairman Moussa Faki Mahamat is spearheading an internationally-backed negotiation effort toContinue reading “Sudanese Unrest”

The Nile River

The Nile River is the largest in the world in terms of territorial extension. Located on the African continent, every society that surrounds it is of extreme importance, being an important item for us to understand the development of ancient civilizations, such as Egypt. The Nile River originates from two large lakes: Lake Victoria inContinue reading “The Nile River”

Why is Africa Under Siege

By John Moono A Writer A Diplomat A Believer in the Pan African Movement Zambian Freedom Fighter and former vice president Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe once remarked that “if don’t handle our independence very well, colonizers would come back as investors”. The statement that was made in 20th Century has not even taken a 100 yearsContinue reading “Why is Africa Under Siege”

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